The first national conference in the series on Computer Methods in Metals Technology (KomPlasTech) was held in 1993 in Kraków, Poland. The conference was organized by prof. Maciej Pietrzyk (from AGH University of Science and Technology) and prof. Antoni Piela ✟ (from Silesian University of Technology). The first edition was held in Krakow. At the beginning of the 21st century the intention of the organizers was to extend the scope to all materials and to make the conference international by inviting the scientists from all over the world. Thus, several papers dealing with non-metalic materials were submitted and the name of the Conference was changed to Computer Methods in Materials Technology. The first international KomPlasTech Conference was organized in Zakopane in 2007.

There is an increasing necessity to solve complex problems in numerical modelling of materials processing. Several new techniques dedicated to description of materials behaviour have been developed. Application of the multiscale analysis to joint modelling of phenomena occurring in different scales (macro, mezo, micro and nano) became effective. Thus, the objective of the KomPlasTech Conference is to get together scientists and researchers working in the fields of computer methods and materials science and industrial partners to enable exchange of information and experiences between those two groups.